Zbivanja - Međunarodna konferencija

Institut za filozofiju


Četvrtak, 6. prosinca 2018. u 09:30 sati, Dvorana Jure Petričevića, Ulica Matice hrvatske 2, Strossmayerov trg 4, Zagreb

Četvrtak, 6. prosinca 2018.

9.30 Opening the Conference

9.40 Thomas Johansen (University of Oslo), Surviving as an Individual in Plato´s Cosmos


11.00 Alexandre Declos (Collège de France), Goodman´s many-world´s argument

11.45 Zdravko Radman (Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb), From Carnal to Cultural: Emergence of the ‘Enworlded’ Mind

12.30 Jan Levin Propach (University of Augsburg), Leibniz´s Worlds

Lunch break

15.00 Salvatore Carannante (University of Pisa), “An immense living body” (Leonardo da Vinci)

15.45 Martino Rossi Monti (Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb), Worlds of Pain and Worlds of Joy. Some Remarks on the History of Heaven and Hell


16.45 Ivan Restovic (Institut za filozofiju, Zagreb), Brouwerov „vanjski svijet subjekta“

17.30 Luka Boršić (Institut za filozofiju, Zagreb), Petrićev svijet

Petak, 7. prosinca 2018.

09.30 Niels Weidtmann (Universität Tübingen), Welt als Phänomen. Anmerkungen zu Husserl, Heidegger und Rombach


11.00 Jure Zovko (Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb), The relevance of Husserl´s life-world for the philosophy of science

11.45 Claire Zhenxu Fan (The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin), The Changing and the Unchanging in Wholeness: Commonalities and Differentiations in the Concepts of the Universe in Timaeus and  The Book of Changes (I Ching) and Commentaries

12.30 Maria Agustina Sforza (Universität Koblenz-Landau), Welt-Haben: eine anthropologische Konstante? Zu Heideggers Weltbegriff im Rahmen des Vergleichs von Mensch und Tier

Lunch break

15.00 Chiara Pasqualin (Universität Koblenz-Landau), Die Grenzen der Bedeutsamkeit: Ein Deutungsversuch des Vorweltlichen ausgehend von Heidegger

15.45 Lorenzo De Stefano (University of Naples “Federico II”), The Concept of World in Philosophy


16.45 Pavo Barišić (Institut za filozofiju, Zagreb), Der Weltbegriff in der neueren kroatischen Philosophie – The Concept of World in the Recent Croatian Philosophy

17.30 Petar Šegedin (Institut za filozofiju, Zagreb), „Svjetovnost svijesti“. Uz pojam svijeta u Hegelovoj Fenomenologiji duha

18.15 Closing the Conference
